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Lessons that youth should learn from Steve Jobs' life.

Steve Jobs Steve Jobs - A name that does not need an introduction, a man who bought a revolution in the world of computers, and a human who went beyond human limits. Steve Paul Jobs was an American business magnate, industrial designer, investor, and media proprietor. Co-founded Apple Inc. He was also the primary investor chairman and founder of Pixar and NeXT. As he said he invested all his life doing what he loved. He is a great inspiration for all young entrepreneurs and dreamers. Young generations will always enfold his enlightenment and his intention in life. And hither few advice and lessons that I have embraced and every youngster and student should learn from Steve Jobs' life. Follow your passion and do what you love "Follow your passion and do what you love - Because there is no reason not to follow your heart."  - What is the finest thing in the world? A human following his passion with whole ambition. Every individual who has reached the peak of success has fo

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